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        FISCAL YEAR 2023 (JULY 1, 2022 – JUNE 30, 2023)                      HOW YOUR DONATION WORKS
                                                                                     FOR OUR MISSION:
            Public       Research               Public Policy  Research
            Policy          1%                     4%        1%
             5%                                                                  100% RAISED
                          Care                              & Support
                         & Support                            13%                STAYS LOCAL
             Public                             Awareness
           Awareness                              28%                         Alzheimer’s Los Angeles believes in
              32%                                              Community
                                                               Education       transparency in everything we do.
                          Education                                             A copy of our complete audited
                            37%                                               financial statements are available
                                     Administration    16%                       at or may be
       Professional                       4%                       Professional  requested by calling 844.HELP.ALZ
        Training                                                     Training
          8%                                                           6%

                         Gina is a caregiver for her mom, Irene, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s three years ago. Before
                         the diagnosis, Gina and her mom were estranged for many years. After her mom’s diagnosis, Gina
                         discovered her mom wasn’t being treated well by her partner, so Gina brought her home to live with her.
                         Gina has a  few  siblings  who help a little  financially, but since she  was  the only one doing  the
                         caregiving, she  was having  trouble coping and  felt increasingly isolated, lonely, and stressed,
                         especially since her mom was often agitated. Her mom’s agitation made it harder to go out and
                         socialize. Gina had liked taking her mom to church on Sunday where her mom sang in the choir,
                         but as her dementia progressed, her mom was behaving inappropriately during choir practice and
                         was told she could no longer participate.

        Seeking some support, Gina called our Helpline, took Savvy Caregiver® classes, began participating in a support
        group for Spanish speakers, and started meeting with a care counselor. Alzheimer’s Los Angeles provided Gina with
        some respite and a shower bench for her mom. At first, Gina was very guarded in the support group and with her
        care counselor, but as the months have gone by, she has started opening up more and also providing support to
        other members of the group. She has gained clarity and insight into the experience of being both a daughter and
        a caregiver, enabling her to establish a new relationship with her mother after all these years. Gina is determined to
        provide as high a quality of life for her mom as possible, and she is very grateful to Alzheimer’s LA.
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