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EDUCATION IN                                                             Alzheimer’s Los Angeles

        THE COMMUNITY                                                            By the Numbers


        Eva is the backbone of her family. She provides care for her                         Suppor t group
        husband,  who has had severe damage  from  two strokes,                              participants
        which has resulted in him being bedridden  for a span of
        25  years,  and  is  now  living  with  cognitive  and  memory                       3,499
        impairments.  Adding to those  caregiving  responsibilities,                         Community education
        she also looks after her 80-year-old mother-in-law who has                           participants
        Alzheimer’s Los  Angeles has  walked alongside Eva during                            Care counseling
        this challenging journey since she sought help and joined                            sessions
        our classes. In Eva’s own words, “Your organization and the
        classes are nothing short of a blessing.” The weight of her                          464
        responsibilities is evident, but even amidst  the struggles,                         Early stage
        she shared over a heartfelt phone conversation, “I’m filled                          sessions
        with hope, confident that I’m on the right path, and there’s
        peace in my heart.”                                                                  1,871

        Eva took part in our Unidos workshops held in person at our                          calls
        East LA office. These sessions were especially meaningful
        for her as they not only provided her with                                           4,172
        essential caregiving knowledge about
        Alzheimer’s disease, self-care, and                                                  Community outreach
        the caregiver’s role, but they also
        fostered family unity. With the                                                      226
        tools and support garnered from                                                      Activity program
        the workshops, she was able to                                                       participants
        rally her husband’s family, who
        are now actively involved and                                                        152
        find joy in taking care of their                                                     Respite or assistance
        elderly mother. Their story                                                          recipients
        is a testament to the
        transformative power of                                                              2,767
        understanding, compassion,                                                           Professional training
        and collective effort.                                                               participants
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