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& SERVICES Helpline specialists provide up-to-date
information, education, and support
to the greater Los Angeles community. They also
at a glance provide callers with local resources and referrals
as well as the emotional support that dementia
caregivers often need.
Our community education team Maite knows what it is like to
provides free presentations on a variety of topics - be a caregiver for someone
from the basics of Alzheimer’s to risk reduction. We with Alzheimer’s. In fact, she
increase the health and well-being of community experienced moving her
members through a variety of programs including parents into her home to
caregiver workshops, community education, and help with her mom’s various stages of the disease.
outreach programs. We offer these programs in a And five years ago, when Maite was able, she started
variety of languages.
volunteering at Alzheimer’s LA. She says of her own
experience, “Through the enormous support of
amazing caregivers and Alzheimer’s Los Angeles, I was
The community education and outreach team able to learn to swim instead of sink. As a caregiver, I
hosted “Posada de la Salud del Cerebro” at our learned the most valuable tool was to truly accept the
East LA office as their first in-person community changes this disease caused in my mother so I could
outreach event since the beginning of the step into her world with more compassion, patience,
pandemic. Dementia education presented by and humor. Now helping others is my way of helping
Dr. Gustavo Estrella from Optum Health and UCLA disarm this insidious disease.”
neuropsychologist, Dr. Mirella DÍaz-Santos was
added to the traditional Mexican celebration
that takes place during the nine days leading CARE
up to Christmas. Sixty-five people attended and COUNSELING
participants reported that it was informative, Our care counselors are dementia
engaging, and great to be back in person.
specialists who provide in-depth,
personalized consultations for individuals and families
facing decisions and challenges. They address
families’ unique concerns to develop care plans and
provide resources for each family’s particular situation.