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                      TORI BOYER,                                              Support groups are offered for
          SENIOR CARE COUNSELOR                                                caregivers as well as family and friends
                                                                               of people living with Alzheimer’s or
        Tori Boyer has been a care                                another dementia. They provide a safe place to talk
        counselor at Alzheimer’s Los                              through challenges, share feelings and concerns,
        Angeles for over five                                     and learn about available resources. Alzheimer’s LA
        years. She works exclusively                              support group facilitators are experienced, trained
        with people in the early                                  staff or volunteers who work closely together to ensure
        stage of dementia, oversees                               caregivers are provided up-to-date and pertinent
        the early-stage programs, and supervises other early-     resources, information, and support.
        stage staff and interns. Tori shares that, “People with
        early memory loss often feel alone and they believe
        that others do not relate to what they are going                              JIM KELLY,
        through. To be able to provide support, education,                            SUPPORT GROUP LEADER
        and help empower people and connect them to
        others feels like life-changing work.”                                           After his mother-in-law
                                                                                         passed away, Jim Kelly’s
                                                                                         original retirement plans
                    EARLY STAGE                                                          changed. He and his wife
                    SERVICES                                                             had been caregivers for her
                                                                                         her mother, but it wasn’t until
                    Early Stage Services are designed for
        those with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), early         toward the end of their caregiving that they became
        stage Alzheimer’s, and other dementias to help them       aware of support groups. Jim shares, “In the short time
        and their families by empowering them with                I did attend a group, I became more aware of
                                                                  community resources, I felt an open and honest sense
        information, resources, and connections. Memory           of community, and I learned the language of being a
        Club, Grad Club, and the Early Memory Loss                caregiver. After six years as a facilitator, I still find it
        Conference address concerns, enable earlier               rewarding to witness the generosity of family caregivers.”
        treatment, and empower families to plan for the future
        in many ways including financial and legal matters.
                                                                               ACTIVITY GROUPS
                                                                               Activity groups are offered for
        Memory Club is a comprehensive support,                                people in the early to middle-stages
        education, and peer group for individuals                 of Alzheimer’s or another dementia with their
        experiencing early-stage symptoms of memory               caregivers attending especially when in person.
        loss due to Mild Cognitive Impairment, Alzheimer’s,       Two popular activity groups are BasebALZ and
        or another dementia and for their family or friend        Memories in the Making®. BasebALZ uses baseball
        care partners. Participants spend eight weeks             as a topic for reminiscence therapy. Memories in the
        forming friendships, learning from each other and         Making is a unique fine arts program that offers
        from expert speakers on how to navigate life after        creative and non-verbal communication and
        receiving a diagnosis.                                    captures precious moments through art.
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