Page 7 - Visionary-Womens-Afternoon-Tea-2023-tribute-journal
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and her
Marisela Diaz was a caregiver long before
her mother-in-law, Concepcion Ochoa
de Diaz, was diagnosed with Alzhiemer’s When asked about this, Marisela said “I’m
in 2017. She’d previously taken care of her the type of person that – if I have knowledge
aunt with cancer, her mother with diabetes, that is helpful for others – I will make sure to
and an older couple, Mr. and Mrs. Friend, share that information with them.” In fact,
with dementia. When her mother-in-law she credits her husband for his willingness
was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, Marisela to learn how to be a better care partner
felt she was the most obvious choice to and supporter for his mother. Eventually,
stay home and take care of her. “At the time, with her help, he was able to step up to help
everyone else in the family was working, so take care of Concepcion. “He became a
we brought her into our home, and I took on better person when he learned how to take
the role of primary caregiver.”
care of his mom.”
Marisela and her husband, Julio, have been Even when they were able to receive
married 43 years and have three adult support from other family members, they
children with families of their own. She found it difficult to disconnect from their
credits the resources made available to her responsibilities at home. “We’d go out
through Alzheimer’s Los Angeles for helping to dinner or to the movies, but it wasn’t
her understand how to better take care of comfortable to leave the house and be
Concepcion. “I learned so much from Angie worried. It was like our bodies were out at a
Moran, my care counselor. We went to all restaurant, but our minds were always back
the classes and workshops – I participated at home.”
in everything I could.”
When Concepcion sadly passed away in
Marisela brought that same energy to December 2022, Marisela was approached
her cohort at Alzheimer’s Los Angeles. by the union to continue doing similar work.
“Marisela has gone above and beyond,” She now provides caregiver services for up
says her Care Counselor Angie Moran. to two hours a day for another local family
“She would take it upon herself to take that needs help.
additional classes offered by her doctor’s
office and share that information with her “There are things I learned through
support group members. She helps other Alzheimer’s Los Angeles that I wish I’d known
caregivers with resources when applying before. I could have helped others more
for conservatorship or with insurance issues than I did, but now I help Mr. Gonzalez and
and is a fierce advocate for Alzheimer’s Los his family. They see the effort I put in and it’s
Angeles in the community.” very meaningful for me to be of service.”