Page 113 - Dementia-Care-Specialist-Toolkit
P. 113
Health Care Providers—Health
care providers cannot act as legal
or financial advisors, but they can Start discussions early. The rate of
encourage planning discussions decline differs for each person
between patients and their with Alzheimer’s disease, and his or
families. Qualified clinicians can her ability to be involved in
also guide patients, families, the planning will decline over time.
care team, attorneys, and judges People in the early stages of the
regarding the patient’s ability to disease may be able to
make decisions. understand the issues, but they
Elder Law Attorneys (ELAs)—An may also be defensive or
ELA helps older people and emotionally unable to deal with
families: difficult questions.
• • Interpret state laws
• Plan out how their wishes will be Review plans over time. Changes
carried out in personal situations—such as a
• Understand their financial options divorce, relocation, or death in
• Learn how to preserve financial the family—and in state laws can
assets while caring for a loved one affect how legal documents are
prepared and maintained.
Geriatric Care Managers (GCMs) Review plans regularly, and
— GCMs are trained social workers update documents as needed.
or nurses who can help people
with Alzheimer’s disease and their Reduce anxiety about funeral
families: and burial arrangements.
Learn how to preserve financial assets Advance planning for the funeral
while caring for a loved one and burial can provide a sense of
• discuss difficult topics and peace and reduce anxiety for
complex issues both the person with Alzheimer’s
• address emotional concerns and the family.
• make short- and long-term plans
• evaluate in-home care needs
• select care personnel
• coordinate medical services
• evaluate other living
• provide caregivers stress relief