Page 5 - AlzheimersLA-annual-report-2020-2021
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2021                                  Voices, which features the            flowers, and dessert to enjoy at

                                                                                   home during the show. From our
                                             journeys of three local families
                                             who give insight into how             incomparable Emmy award-
                                             the impact of Alzheimer’s             winner emcee, Jane Lynch,
       JANUARY                               disease has challenged and            to the transcendent voice of

       Co-hosted with LA Found and           strengthened them.                    Grammy and Academy award-
       Supervisor Janice Hahn a              MARCH                                 winner Annie Lennox bringing
       “Keeping Home Safe” webinar                                                 the house down, everyone had
       to help reduce incidents of           Co-hosted with LA Found and           an unforgettable time!
       wandering and to connect              Supervisor Hahn a Spanish             Partnered with Cedar-Sinai to
       families to the LA Found program      version of the “Keeping Home          hold a live virtual Early Memory
       which provides trackable              Safe” webinar. Over 75 people         Loss Conference with speakers
       bracelets for at-risk individuals.    attended and 20 have viewed           Elder Law Attorney Rebecca
       Over 225 people attended the          the recorded version.                 Goldfarb, Dr. Zaldy Tan, and a
       webinar live and 171 have viewed                                            three-person panel who shared
       the recorded version online.          MAY                                   their personal experiences with

       FEBRUARY                              Partnered with Keiro to host the      Alzheimer’s. Over 100 people
                                             2021 Alzheimer’s Conference           attended and many more
       Transformed our 5th annual            in English and Japanese with          watched the recording.
       Visionary Women’s event into          live interpretation. The event
       a virtual Afternoon Tea. Hosted       included a virtual resource fair,
       by Emmy-nominated & SAG               presentations from a variety
       award-winning actress Sharon          of dementia physicians and
       Lawrence, the event included          experts, and had 324 attendees.
       guest speakers, incredible
       honorees, and an online
       Spring boutique. Ticketholders
       received a home-delivered tea
       gift set and the link to watch                                              JUNE
       online. We raised over $133,000
       and over 150 people tuned in.                                               Developed healthy brain training
                                                                                   and tip sheets specially
       We honored Dr. Debra Cherry,                                                designed to address the needs
       Janet Morris, and caregiver           Transformed An Unforgettable          of the African American and
       award recipient Martha Diaz.          Evening into a beautiful virtual      Latinx communities in South Los
                                             event and raised over $607,000.       Angeles. The project was made
       Launched a three-video                Over 120 guests attended and          possible through a grant from
       series, Caring for Those with         received a hand-delivered             the LA County Department of
       Alzheimer’s – African American        savory gourmet meal, fresh            Public Health.
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