walk4ALZ 2019

walk4ALZ® Los Angeles – Thank You!
THANK YOU for joining us at walk4ALZ® on Sunday, October 20, 2019 at the Los Angeles State Historic Park. So far, together we have raised over $257,000 for the care and support services Alzheimer’s Los Angeles provides families living with Alzheimer’s FREE of charge. It’s because of you and over 500 other walkers that we were able to cross that finish line!
We want to give a big thanks to our top teams and fundraisers. Their extra tireless and selfless efforts to fundraise for the walk are very appreciated—we couldn’t do it without them! As of October 31, they are:
Top Teams:
1. Team Jeanette
2. Alzheimer’s LA Staff & Friends
3. Amoeba Team
4. ALZ in the Family
6. Drasa
7. Zenith Dream Team
8. USC & UCLA by Youth Movement Against Alzheimer’s
9. Team Frankie
10. Brixton Belles
Top Fundraisers:
1. Kenneth Chiate
2. Elliot Sainer
3. Kim Konjoyan
4. Kristi Holmblad
5. Debra Cherry
6. Marilyn Rafkin
7. Niloo Bedrood
8. Ryan DoyLoo
9. Colette Freedman
10. Bret Schaefer
Photos from walk4ALZ 2019
The Walk
Join us at our new location!
Los Angeles State Historic Park
in downtown Los Angeles
Registration: 8:00 AM | Walk: 10:00 AM
Event Schedule
8:00 – Registration Opens
9:30 – Program Begins
10:00 – Walk Begins
10:30 to 11:00 – Walkers Return from Route
Fundraiser Prizes
Reach these milestones on your individual fundraiser page to earn these exciting walk4ALZ® prizes!
- Raise $100 to earn a walk4ALZ® t-shirt
- Raise $500 to earn a premium walk4ALZ® long sleeve
- Raise $1,000 to earn access to our exclusive All-Star Breakfast on the day of the event
Site Map & Parking Instructions
Parking will be FREE for all walkers (in the blue area above) and handicap parking will be available. The directions below lead to the walk4ALZ site parking, where signs and parking monitors will direct traffic into the woodchipped parking area.
There are other events taking place downtown so we are expecting traffic. We are providing the routes that we think will be the easiest to navigate.
Driving Directions
Social Media Assets
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