Rivet Revolution – National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month 2018

Rivet Revolution - 4MOM bracelet

About Rivet Revolution

A little over 21 short months ago, two fifty-something-year-old-women, struggling with the pain, anger, and frustration that having a parent with Alzheimer’s elicits, decided to turn the negative energy they were experiencing into positive action.

Rivet Revolution Goals:

  1. spread awareness of Alzheimer’s and connect the community – make it ok to talk about and share your experiences – ultimately offering support on this journey;
  2. support the multitude of people caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s while trying to raise a family, go to college, or simply care for themselves;
  3. support unique organizations which are helping to educate communities, politicians, medical professionals about Alzheimer’s; and
  4. support cutting edge research striving to find a cure.

Join Rivet Revolution this November for National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month 2018, and help spread the Revolution to end Alzheimer’s. Rivet Revolution will donate 20% of your purchase during November 2018 to Alzheimer’s Los Angeles.

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Published On: November 5th, 2018Categories: News & Events