Opportunities to help support the Alzheimer’s LA community are listed below. For more information, please contact us at help@alzla.org or at 844.435.7259.
We're grateful for your support!
The Making Memories Festival is an annual multicultural music and food festival benefiting Alzheimer's Los Angeles. Volunteer with us and help us celebrate our community with some of LA's best music, local food trucks, fun activities, and more! For information, contact Karmine Tawagon, ktawagon@alzla.org.
Provide presentations on Alzheimer’s disease throughout the community.
Become a trained facilitator for support groups.
Learn how to facilitate this art program that helps people living with dementia connect with and share memories.
Become a member of our Helpline volunteers! Respond to callers seeking support and information about Alzheimer’s and other dementias and caregiving. Training and orientation are provided. For more information, email Zina: zparis@alzla.org