doctor smiling and talking with patient

ALZ Direct Connect® Referral Program

Partnering with healthcare and aging service providers to improve care and support for people with Alzheimer's or dementias & their families

ALZ DIRECT CONNECT allows healthcare and aging services providers to directly link patients/clients and families to Alzheimer's Los Angeles for:

  • access to care coordination & psychosocial support
  • referrals to supportive services
  • help with understanding the disease & navigating its progression
  • a 360 approach to care through feedback to the referring provider

Alzheimer’s Los Angeles does not bill families for services, but health plan information is collected for tracking purposes and to facilitate access to services.


Download the AlZ Direct Connect® pdf form or complete the online form below

NOTE: ALZ Direct Connect® does not fulfill mandatory legal reporting requirements for healthcare professionals. Alzheimer's Los Angeles maintains high professional & ethical standards for care & safety and therefore reports any and all allegations or suspicions of elder abuse and/or child abuse.

After hitting “Continue,” scroll up to verify your signature & submit the form.

Note: After submitting, you will receive a confirmation email with the form details.
The email may appear in your junk/promotions folder.


ALZ Direct Connect® Referral Program

Allows healthcare providers to directly link patients and families to Alzheimer’s Los Angeles for:

  • Access to care coordination and psychosocial support
  • Referrals to supportive services (often at no cost)
  • Help understanding the disease & navigating its progression
  • 360 approach to care through feedback to the referring provider