Early Stage Services

People are now being diagnosed with dementia at earlier stages of the disease. In response, Alzheimer’s Los Angeles has programs to serve their unique needs.

Family Counseling

When someone receives a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or a related dementia, we are here to help with information, support, guidance and resources.

Memory Club®

Memory Club® is for individuals with early stage Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias and their care partners. The weekly meetings support and empower members as they deal with early stage issues and shed light on challenges as they arise. The nurturing environment fosters new friendships and peer support during and beyond the group experience.

Grad Club

Grad Club is an extension of Memory Club® for those who want to continue to participate in a warm, nurturing, supportive environment. Group topics are chosen by members based on current needs and challenges.

Engagement Opportunities

People with early stage Alzheimer’s or a related dementia often seek meaningful activities to be involved in. Alzheimer’s Los Angeles offers a variety of activities. These can include volunteering to help with events, making donor calls and volunteering in our office; participating in advocacy efforts by speaking with elected officials; and participating in programs aimed at providing social connections. Care Counselors can also provide information and referrals to additional early stage services in the community.

For information about these programs, call our Helpline (844) 435-7259.

We make every effort to include as many relevant resources as possible; however, Alzheimer’s Los Angeles does not endorse the agencies listed in this directory nor was any payment received for their inclusion.