About This Directory
The resources listed in this directory have been compiled by Alzheimer’s Los Angeles. Additional information is available through our Helpline at (844) 435-7259.
As you use this directory,
please keep in mind:
- Alzheimer’s Los Angeles does not endorse the agencies listed in this directory nor was any payment received for their inclusion.
- We suggest calling or visiting three to four agencies or facilities to consider your options before making a final decision on a service provider.
- Although we do our best to keep all information up-to-date, resource contact information changes frequently. Please call us at (844) 435-7259 if any information proves to be incorrect.
- This Resource Directory is specific to Los Angeles County. For referrals to resources in Riverside and San Bernardino counties, please call our Helpline at (844) 435-7259.
Here are some helpful suggestions:
Click on an individual subject in the category list on the right, or download the full directory below.