Ask Miriam – February 2024
Dear Miriam, I am the caregiver for my mother who is 69 years old and was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s two years ago. My dad died recently, so we made the decision that she should come live with my partner and me. We also have three […]
Ask Miriam – January 2024
Dear Miriam, I am 78 years old and was recently told that I have early stage Alzheimer’s disease. My wife died a little over a year ago, and I have just gotten back into life again, so this comes as a terrible blow. My doctor […]
Ask Miriam – December 2023
Dear Miriam, I am 80 years old and have been taking care of my wife, who is 77, at home for several years. She was diagnosed with mixed dementia (Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia). But recently my own health has been getting worse. I’m still […]
Ask Miriam – November 2023
Dear Miriam, My wife, who is only 65, was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. I knew that she had been forgetting things more and more often, but I didn’t realize how bad it had gotten until I went with her to the neurologist. The doctor […]
Ask Miriam – October 2023
Dear Miriam,
My grandma was diagnosed with early-stage dementia a few years ago, right about when I graduated college, so I offered to move in with her. I was able to help out with cooking, cleaning, and driving, and she was pretty independent. Unfortunately, however, […]
Ask Miriam – September 2023
Dear Miriam, I have been taking care of my mother for six years and am getting very frustrated. In the beginning, when she was diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment, she was still pretty independent. Though she doesn’t drive due to an eye condition, I only […]