Ask Miriam – February 2019
Dear Miriam,
I know this might sound strange, but I’m not sure who else to ask. My father has dementia. Lately, he’s become convinced that he and this woman (let’s just call her Mary) are in love and that we’re keeping him from her. He’s worried […]
Ask Miriam – January 2019
Dear Miriam,
My father-in-law lives with us and was diagnosed with dementia 5 or 6 years ago. He used to be very active – always taking the dog for long walks and solving puzzles with the grandkids and things like that. But now, especially in the […]
Ask Miriam – December 2018
Dear Miriam,
My mother has dementia. She lives with my wife, our kids, and me and she’s doing well, all things considered. This is our first holiday since mom’s diagnosis. The problem is that I’m having our extended family over for the holidays and some of […]
Ask Miriam – November 2018
Dear Miriam,
I’m in my late 60s and pretty good health, but, lately I’m noticing how forgetful I’m becoming. My children keep telling me to see a doctor, but I feel fine and am sure it’s just signs of my old age (ha ha!). Should I […]
Ask Miriam – October 2018
Dear Miriam,
My mother-in-law was recently diagnosed with dementia, but my husband (her son) doesn’t accept it. He keeps making excuses for her behavior and says it’s just old age, but I’m sure it’s not. I think he’s in denial. Miriam, my husband is an only child and his […]
Ask Miriam – September 2018
Dear Miriam,
My father has dementia. He was diagnosed 6 months ago, but I’m sure he’s had it longer than that. Lately, he’s started to accuse me and my children of stealing from him. My dad lives with us and even my kids help in caring […]