Ask Miriam – August 2020
Dear Miriam,
My mother is taking care of my father, who has had dementia for the last six years. They live three miles away and I visit them several times a week and do all the shopping. They have been good about staying home during the […]
Ask Miriam – July 2020
Dear Miriam,
I have been caring for my father at home for the last three months during the COVID-19 outbreak. It’s been hard on both of us to not have his regular caregiver coming in. But I was furloughed from my full-time job, so I have […]
Ask Miriam – June 2020
Dear Miriam,
I have been taking care of my wife, who has dementia, for the last five years. She used to go to an adult day care four days a week, but now, with the coronavirus, the center is closed, and she and I are home […]
Ask Miriam – May 2020
Dear Miriam,
I am so worried about my mother-in-law. She has dementia and lived with my husband and me for a long time before moving to a nearby nursing home. We haven’t been able to visit for almost two months. Not seeing her has been hard […]
Ask Miriam – April 2020
Dear Miriam,
I am 74 years old and my husband is 80. He has had dementia for three years, and used to go to an adult day program three days a week until the center closed because of the coronavirus pandemic. So, the two of us […]
Ask Miriam – March 2020
Dear Miriam,
I am caring for my husband with dementia and am at the end of my rope. I’m so stressed by having to take care of everything all by myself. He is unable to be left alone, needs help with bathing and dressing, gets up […]