Qualified Charitable Distribution 2019

Qualified Charitable Distribution

Did you know… you can donate to Alzheimer’s LA straight from your IRA?

Called a Qualified Charitable Distribution from an IRA, this simple gift process is a win-win. Gifts from your Individual Retirement Account can be given to an eligible charitable organization like Alzheimer’s LA, and often have significant benefits for you too. Up to $100,000 of the gift is excluded from your gross income for tax purposes. These gifts also qualify for your required minimum distribution.

How it works:
You make a distribution directly from an IRA to Alzheimer’s LA by December 31. The distribution counts toward your required minimum distribution.

Are you eligible?

  • You are at least 70½ years of age
  • The distribution must otherwise be included in gross income
  • The distribution must otherwise be fully deductible as a charitable contribution.

Up to $100,000 is removed from your gross income for income tax purposes.*
The distribution counts toward your required minimum distribution.

Could a charitable distribution from an IRA work for you? Email us at donate@alzla.org, or speak to your personal financial advisor.

*This is not intended as financial advice. Please consult your financial advisor for information relating to your personal situation.

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Published On: November 7th, 2019Categories: News & Events