Happy Lunar New Year 2021

stylized illustration of an ox in gold and red

Happy Lunar New Year!

Year of the Ox 

As we enter the Year of the Ox, it is helpful to remember that the Ox is an animal that is grounded, loyal, gentle, and diligent. It was easy to feel shaken and untethered this past year, given the many disruptions in our lives that were a result of the global pandemic. Many of the cherished routines in our daily lives gave way to unwelcomed changes. We had to make adjustments in our lives to prioritize the health and safety of our family members and other loved ones. Still, like the Ox, many of us found determination within and developed ways to thrive, staying grounded through self-care and the adoption of a positive mindset. This allowed for acceptance of new routines and appreciation for new traditions.

Whether you are providing care for someone living with dementia or know someone who is an active care partner, it is important to remember that strength is not solely measured by a person’s ability to persevere in a difficult situation. Being a care partner for someone living with dementia during a time of physical distancing and with limited resources makes it all the more important to stay socially connected and supported through community resources and social networks.

Let’s make sure we start the new year off right by picking up some healthy habits that will promote physical fitness, emotional health, and spiritual wellbeing, even during a time when we are virtual. Here are some activities that you may be able to easily fit into your current lifestyle:

  • Join an exercise or meditation class via YouTube or other virtual platform
  • Reconnect with family and old friends on virtual platforms (Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Facebook, WhatsApp, Texting Apps)
  • Learn a new language or how to play a musical instrument
  • Foster or adopt a pet (can be a real or stuffed animal to help with engaging the person living with dementia)
  • Meet new people by joining a support group

Finding meaningful activities that are safe and easy to do from the comfort of your home does not have to take a lot of effort or be overly costly. As we head into this new year, it may be helpful to focus on small and realistic changes we want to make, rather than setting up big goals that may add to already high levels of stress.

Happy Year of the Ox!

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Published On: February 3rd, 2021Categories: News & Events