Meet Evelyn, our latest hope4ALZ® hero

I clearly remember the day when my mom asked for a bracelet engraved with her home address. Something that was nice and not too obvious. A few months after this conversation, she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. We were unfamiliar with this disease and ignorant on how it would affect our family. We had a steep learning curve to understand Alzheimer’s, what was required to care for our mom, as well as support our dad as her primary caregiver.
My first step was to attend the Early Memory Loss Conference hosted by Alzheimer’s Los Angeles (ALZLA). The conference presented an overview about the disease, research and required care. The conference also included a panel of care partners and their loved ones with Alzheimer’s. The panel gave me insight into what was to come for my parents. It was then I decided to volunteer with the ALZLA. I wanted to be part of ALZLA’s Speaker’s Bureau and help other families that are in a similar position as ours.
As I hear the stories from other family caregivers, their experiences help me prepare for the inevitable. Since a cure is not on the horizon, it is essential to provide the knowledge, care tips, and respite support that family caregivers need to carry on. This year, I dedicate my birthday to support ALZLA so they may continue to provide free resources to families affected by this horrible disease.
– Evelyn B., Certified Home Care Aide, Certified Dementia Practitioner
Evelyn, center, with her siblings Tony and Judy on her right, and her parents Vicky and Tony on her left.
Become a hope4ALZ® hero like Evelyn, and dedicate your birthday or other special event to Alzheimer’s Los Angeles.