Ask Miriam – September 2019

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Dear Miriam,

I’ve been taking care of my uncle for a few years, and I know it’s time to bring in extra help. My problem is, I have no idea where to start. We want to keep him at home, but I’m wary of strangers being in my house. What should I look for? Do you have any tips?


Dear Veronica,

I’m so glad you’re able to bring in extra help. Caregiving is hard work and its important you give yourself a break. There are lots of in-home care agencies that can send caregivers to your home to meet your schedule and needs. But it’s important to have a clear on-boarding process, even when working with an agency.

Consider asking the following questions as you interview potential paid caregivers:

  • Ask about their dementia training and experiences.
  • Ask “what would you do if” questions based on scenarios that are common with your loved one.
  • Be clear about caregiving expectations. What will they do and what won’t they do? Make sure you discuss things like bathing, incontinence care, housework, cooking, and medication.

I also recommend having a care binder or other centralized place where caregivers can leave notes and updates about anything noteworthy that goes on with your loved one, especially if there are multiple caregivers.

Good Luck,

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Published On: September 6th, 2019Categories: Ask Miriam