AB 453 signed into law!

Yes on AB 453

AB453 Dementia Training Legislation

Mike’s wife has dementia, and when she fell in the middle of the night and Mike was unable to lift her- he called the non-emergency police department line. The operator was kind and understanding and quickly dispatched help. The first responders were well versed in dementia, and they provided care that made Mike and his wife feel comfortable and safe.

On Friday, July 16, 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation that will help ensure that all families in California will have experiences like Mike’s.

Alzheimer’s Los Angeles, along with Alzheimer’s Orange County and Alzheimer’s San Diego are proud sponsors of Assembly Bill (AB) 453. This legislation authored by Assemblymember Ed Chau, requires that Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) receive dementia training that includes guidance on how to best interact with the person living with dementia and their caregivers.

Thank you Assemblymember Ed Chau and Governor Newsom for passing AB 453!

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Published On: July 18th, 2019Categories: News & Events