AARP Storytelling Initiative

A Caregiving Mission: Dementia
We present “A Caregiving Mission: Dementia” – a storytelling initiative by AARP, in collaboration with Alzheimer’s Los Angeles that empowers Asian American and Pacific Islander individuals and families to have hard yet vulnerable conversations focused on caregiving and dementia.
If you have a loved one with dementia, seek help through case management, support group meetings, or classes.
Meet the Toma family as they share their story about dementia and caregiving.
Meet Joselyn, a Filipina American Social Worker who gives caregiving tips on how to work with social workers to make tough decisions for your loved ones with dementia.
What are some signs that your loved one has dementia? Join Dr. Helena Chui as she shares insights about diagnosing this disease.
Don’t let important decisions, like end of life plans, caregiving wishes, or inheritance, come as a surprise to you and your loved ones. Learn tips about how to navigate legal matters with Beti Tsai-Bergman.
Dementia is a long-term, progressive disease. Families need to plan ahead when it comes to finances. Susan Ghormley gives 3 tips on how to build financial resilience.
If you need help, contact us: | 844.HELP.ALZ (844.435.7259)